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Migration and Home Affairs


In the EU context , a dynamic, two-way process of mutual accommodation by all immigrants and residents of EU Member States.


Action 1, section 2 of Communication on a Common Agenda for Integration, COM(2005) 389 final


  • BG: интеграция
  • CS: integrace
  • DE: Integration
  • EL: ένταξη
  • EN: integration
  • ES: integración
  • ET: lõimumine / integratsioon
  • FI: kotouttaminen / kotoutuminen
  • FR: intégration
  • GA: imeascadh
  • HU: integráció
  • IT: integrazione
  • LT: integracija
  • LV: integrācija
  • MT: Integrazzjoni
  • NL: integratie
  • PL: integracja
  • PT: integração
  • RO: integrare
  • SK: integrácia
  • SL: integracija / vključevanje
  • SV: integration
  • NO: integrering
  • KA: ინტეგრაცია
  • UK: інтеграція

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1. Art. 79(4) of the TFEU gives the legal base for Union activities on integration. The promotion of fundamental rights, non-discrimination and equal opportunities for all are key integration issues.
2. At EU level, integration policy is developed within the framework of Common Basic Principles – CBP (of which the broad definition above is the first one).
3. For more information, see European Website on Integration