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inadmissible application for international protection



  • An application for international protection which an EU Member State authority may decide not to examine in the following cases:
    (a) another EU Member State has granted international protection ;
    (b) a country which is not an EU Member State is considered as a first country of asylum for the applicant
  • (c) a country which is not an EU Member State is considered as a safe third country for the applicant

  • (d) the application is a subsequent application, where no new elements or findings relating to the examination of whether the applicant qualifies as a beneficiary of international protection by virtue of Directive 2011/95/EU (Recast Qualification Directive) have arisen or have been presented by the applicant; or
  • (e) a dependant of the applicant lodges an application after they have, in accordance with Art. 7(2), consented to have their case be part of an application lodged on their behalf, and there are no facts relating to the dependant’s situation which justify a separate application.
  • Art. 33 of Directive 2013/32/EU (Recast Asylum Procedures Directive)


    • BG: недопустима молба за международна закрила
    • CS: nepřípustná žádost o mezinárodní ochranu
    • DE: unzulässiger Antrag auf internationalen Schutz
    • EL: μη παραδεκτή αίτηση διεθνούς προστασίας
    • EN: inadmissible application for international protection
    • ES: solicitud de protección internacional inadmisible
    • ET: vastuvõetamatu rahvusvahelise kaitse taotlus
    • FI: kansainvälistä suojelua koskeva hakemus, jota ei oteta tutkintaan
    • FR: demande de protection internationale irrecevable
    • GA: iarratas neamh-inghlactha ar chosaint idirnáisiúnta
    • HU: nemzetközi védelem iránti elfogadhatatlan kérelem
    • IT: Domanda di protezione internazionale inammissibile
    • LT: nepriimtinas tarptautinės apsaugos prašymas (EU acquis); nepriimtinas prašymas suteikti prieglobstį
    • LV: nepieņemams starptautiskās aizsardzības pieteikums
    • MT: applikazzjoni inaċċettabbli għall-protezzjoni internazzjonali
    • NL: niet-ontvankelijk verzoek om internationale bescherming
    • PL: niedopuszczony wniosek o ochronę międzynarodową
    • PT: pedido inadmíssivel de proteção internacional
    • RO: cerere inadmisibilă de protecție internațională
    • SK: neprípustná žiadosť o medzinárodnú ochranu
    • SL: nedopustna prošnja za mednarodno zaščito
    • SV: ansökan som inte kan tas upp till prövning
    • NO: asylsøknad som ikke skal realitetsvurderes (b); asylsøknad som ikkje skal realitetsvurderast (n)
    • KA: განუხილველად დატოვებული განცხადება საერთაშორისო დაცვის მოთხოვნის შესახებ
    • UK: недопустима заява про надання міжнародного захисту


    • formal decision


    1. In such cases a formal decision can be taken which means that the case was closed without an examination of the asylum claim’s substance.
    2. In asylum statistics, inadmissable applications are often summarised as formal decisions. This can make comparison of national statistics on inadmissable applications challenging at EU level.