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- The employment of a person who:
(a) in the EU Member State concerned, is protected as an employee under national employment law and / or in accordance with national practice, irrespective of the legal relationship, for the purpose of exercising genuine and effective work for, or under the direction of, someone else;
(b) is paid; and,
- (c) has the required adequate and specific competence, as proven by higher professional qualifications.
- Art. 2(b) of Council Directive 2009/50/EC (Blue Card Directive)
- BG: висококвалифицирана заетост
- CS: zaměstnání vyžadující vysokou kvalifikaci
- DE: hochqualifizierte Beschäftigung
- EL: απασχόληση υψηλής εξειδίκευσης
- EN: highly qualified employment
- ES: empleo altamente cualificado
- ET: kõrgelt kvalifitseeritud töö
- FI: korkeaa pätevyyttä vaativa työ
- FR: emploi hautement qualifié
- GA: fostaíocht ardcháilíochta
- HR: visokokvalificirano zapošljavanje
- HU: Magasan képzett személy / Munkavállaló foglalkoztatása
- IT: lavoro altamente qualificato
- LT: aukštos kvalifikacijos darbas (EU acquis); aukštos profesinės kvalifikacijos reikalaujantis darbas
- LV: augsti kvalificēta nodarbinātība
- MT: Impjieg bi kwalifiki għoljin
- NL: hooggekwalificeerde baan
- PL: zatrudnienie pracowników wysoko wykwalifikowanych
- PT: emprego altamente qualificado
- RO: loc de muncă înalt calificat
- SK: vysokokvalifikované zamestnanie
- SL: visokokvalificirana zaposlitev
- SV: högkvalificerad anställning
- NO: sysselsetting av høyt kvalifisert arbeidskraft (b); sysselsetjing av høgt kvalifisert arbeidskraft (n)
- KA: მაღალკვალიფიციურ მიგრანტთა დასაქმება
- UK: висококваліфіковане працевлаштування
- HY: բարձր որակավորման աշխատանք
Related Term(s)
In some EU Member States, there is a distinction between ‘highly skilled’, referring to someone who has the required adequate and specific competence as proven by higher educational qualifications and / or extensive (vocational) experience; and ‘highly qualified’, referring to someone who has required adequate and specific competence as proven by higher educational qualifications only. In the EU context, however, these terms are considered to be interchangeable.