Geneva Refugee Convention and Protocol - European Commission
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Geneva Refugee Convention and Protocol


The UN multilateral treaty which is the key legal document defining who is a refugee and who is not, the rights of refugees and the legal obligations of States towards them.


Geneva Refugee Convention and Protocol


  • BG: Женевска конвенция за статута на бежанците от 1951 г. и Протокол от 1967 г.
  • CS: Ženevská úmluva o uprchlících a Protokol
  • DE: Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention und Protokoll / Übereinkommen über die Rechtsstellung von Flüchtlingen / Flüchtlingsabkommen
  • EL: Σύμβαση της Γενεύης και Πρωτόκολλο
  • EN: Geneva Refugee Convention and Protocol
  • ES: Convenio de Ginebra de 1951 y Protocolo de 1967
  • ET: Genfi pagulasseisundi konventsioon ja protokoll
  • FI: Geneven pakolaissopimus ja lisäpöytäkrija
  • FR: Convention de Genève et Protocole relatifs au statut des réfugiés
  • GA: Coinbhinsiún na Ginéive (1951) agus Prótacal na Ginéive (1967)
  • HR: Ženevska konvencija i protokol o statusu izbjeglica
  • HU: a menekültek jogállásáról szóló Genfi Egyezmény és Jegyzőkön
  • IT: Convenzione di Ginevra e Protocollo di New York sullo status dei Rifugiati
  • LT: Ženevos konvencija dėl pabėgėlių statuso ir protokolas
  • LV: Ženēvas Konvencija par bēgļa statusu un Protokols par bēgļu statusu
  • MT: Konvenzjoni ta’ Ġinevra, u Protokol, dwar ir-Refuġjati
  • NL: Geneefse Conventie en Protocol / Verdrag van Genève en Protocol / Vluchtelingenverdrag
  • PL: Konwencja Genewska z 1951 r. i Protokół z 1967 r.
  • PT: Convenção de Genebra e Protocolo
  • RO: Convenţia de la Geneva şi Protocolul
  • SK: Ženevský dohovor a protokol / Dohovor o právnom postavení utečencov a Newyorský protokol
  • SL: Ženevska konvencija o beguncih in Protokol
  • SV: Genèvekonventionen om flyktingars rättsliga ställning och dess tilläggsprotokoll
  • NO: Geneve konvensjonen og protokollen om flyktninger / Genevekonvensjonen og Geneveprotokollen
  • KA: ლტოლვილთა შესახებ ჟენევის კონვენცია და ოქმი
  • UK: Женевська конвенція про статус біженців і протокол до неї
  • HY: Ժնևի փախստականի կոնվենցիա և արձանագրություն


  • Convention relating to the Status of Refugees
  • Geneva Convention of 1951 and Protocol of 1967
  • Geneva Refugee Convention and New York Protocol
  • 1951 Refugee Convention
  • 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees
  • 1951 Geneva Convention
  • Refugee Convention

Broader Term(s)

Narrower Term(s)

Related Term(s)


1. The 1951 Refugee Convention was approved at a special United Nations conference on 28 July 1951 and consolidates previous international instruments relating to refugees. It provides the most comprehensive codification of the rights of refugees at international level. In contrast to earlier international refugee instruments, which applied to specific groups of refugees, the 1951 Convention endorses a single definition of the term ‘refugee’ in Art. 1.
2. The Convention is both a status and rights-based instrument and is underpinned by a number of fundamental principles, most notably non-discrimination, non-penalisation and non-refoulement .
3. The 1967 New York Protocol removed geographical and temporal restrictions from the Convention.