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Migration and Home Affairs


The process of gathering relevant information from the applicant for international protection, examining it in the light of all the information available to the case worker in procedures for international protection , for the purpose of the determination of qualification for refugee status and / or subsidiary protection status.


UNHCR: Beyond proof – credibility assessment in EU asylum systems, 2013


  • BG: оценка на достоверността
  • CS: posouzení věrohodnosti
  • DE: Glaubwürdigkeitsprüfung / Prüfung der Glaubwürdigkeit
  • EL: αξιολόγηση της αξιοπιστίας
  • EN: credibility assessment
  • ES: evaluación de la credibilidad
  • ET: usaldusväärsuse / usutavuse hindamine
  • FI: uskottavuusarviointi
  • FR: évaluation de la crédibilité
  • GA: measúnú creidiúnachta
  • HR: utvrđivanje vjerodostojnosti
  • HU: szavahihetőség értékelése
  • IT: valutazione di credibilità
  • LT: patikimumo vertinimas
  • LV: ticamības novērtējums
  • MT: Evalwazzjoni tal-kredibilità
  • NL: beoordeling van de geloofwaardigheid
  • PL: ocena wiarygodności
  • PT: avaliação da credibilidade
  • RO: evaluarea credibilitatii
  • SK: preukazovanie dôveryhodnosti
  • SL: ocena verodostojnosti
  • SV: trovärdighetsbedömning
  • NO: vurdering av troverdighet (b); vurdering av truverd (n)
  • KA: სანდოობის შეფასება
  • UK: оцінка достовірності
  • HY: արժանահավատության գնահատում

Related Term(s)


1. The credibility assessment is also a step taken in adjudicating an application for a visa or other immigration status, in order to determine whether the information presented by the applicant is consistent and credible (see the definition 'credibility assessment' in the IOM Glossary on Migration, 2019).
2. Credibility is established where the applicant has presented a claim which is coherent and plausible, not contradicting generally known facts, and therefore is, on balance, capable of being believed.