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Migration and Home Affairs


Personal interview in an admissibility procedure or in specific cases laid down in Art. 33 of Directive 2013/32/EU (Recast Asylum Procedures Directive) allowing applicants for international protection to present their views with regard to their particular circumstances and on the inadmissibility grounds before the determining authority decides on the admissibility of the application.


Derived by EMN from Art. 33 and Art. 34 of Directive 2013/32/EU (Recast Asylum Procedures Directive).


  • BG: интервю за допустимост
  • CS: pohovor o přípustnosti
  • DE: Anhörung im Rahmen der Zulässigkeitsprüfung
  • EL: συνέντευξη επί του παραδεκτού αίτησης
  • EN: admissibility interview
  • ES: entrevista de admisibilidad / entrevista de admisión a tramite
  • ET: vastuvõetavuse vestlus
  • FI: tutkittavaksiottamispuhuttelu
  • FR: entretien sur la recevabilité (de la demande)
  • GA: agallamh inghlacthachta
  • HR: saslušanje za utvrđivanje dopustivosti zahtjeva
  • HU: elfogadhatósági meghallgatás
  • IT: colloquio sull’ammissibilità
  • LT: pokalbis dėl priimtinumo
  • LV: intervija par pieteikuma pieņemamību, sākotnējā intervija
  • MT: ntervista dwar l-ammissibilità
  • NL: persoonlijk onderhoud in het kader van de ontvankelijkheidsprocedure (BE) - ontvankelijkheidsinterview (NL)
  • PL: przesłuchanie dotyczące dopuszczalności
  • PT: entrevista relativa à admissibilidade do pedido
  • RO: interviu privind admisibilitatea
  • SK: pohovor o prípustnosti
  • SL: razgovor o dopustnosti
  • SV: intervju för att avgöra om ansökan ska tas upp till prövning
  • NO: intervju for å få å avklare en søknad (b); intervju for å avklara ein søknad (n)
  • KA: გასაუბრება საერთაშორისო დაცვის მოთხოვნის შესახებ განცხადების დასაშვებობის თაობაზე
  • UK: Співбесіда щодо допустимості
  • HY: դիմումի ընդունելության հարցազրույց

Broader Term(s)

Related Term(s)

  • inadmissible application for international protection


  1. 1. Admissibility procedures are conducted when an EU Member State does not have to examine whether an applicant qualifies for international protection because of specific circumstances or the inadmissibility grounds laid down in Art 33 of Directive 2013/32/EU. These are:
    • another EU Member State is responsible for the application under the Dublin III Regulation;
    • another EU Member State has already granted protection;
    • another country is considered to be the first country of asylum or a safe third country for the applicant;
    • the application is a subsequent one with no new elements; or
    • a dependent lodges an application after consenting to be a part of an application.
  2. EU Member States do not need to examine an application for international protection on its merits in order to determine whether the application can still be admitted for examination.