Comprehensive framework to support EU Member States' efforts in developing and strengthening their integration policies.
- BG: План за действие относно интеграцията на граждани на трети държави
- CS: Akční plán v oblasti integrace státních příslušníků třetích zemí
- DE: Aktionsplan für die Integration von Drittstaatsangehörigen
- EL: Σχέδιο δράσης για την ένταξη υπηκόων τρίτων χωρών
- EN: Action plan on the integration of third-country nationals
- ES: Plan de Acción para la integración de los nacionales de terceros países
- ET: Kolmanda riigi kodanike integreerimise tegevuskava
- FI: Kolmansien maiden kansalaisten kotouttamista koskeva toimintasuunnitelma
- FR: Plan d'action sur l'intégration des ressortissants de pays tiers
- GA: N/A
- HR: Akcijski plan za integraciju državljana trećih zemalja
- HU: A harmadik országbeli állampolgárok integrációjára vonatkozó cselekvési terv
- IT: Piano d'azione sull'integrazione dei cittadini di paesi terzi
- LT: Trečiųjų šalių piliečių integravimo veiksmų planas
- LV: Rīcības plāns trešo valstu valstspiederīgo integrācijai
- MT: Pjan t' azzjoni dwar l-integrazzjoni ta' ċittadini minn pajjiżi terzi
- NL: Actieplan inzake integratie van onderdanen van derde landen
- PL: Plan działań na rzecz integracji obywateli państw trzecich
- PT: Plano de ação para a integração de nacionais de países terceiros
- RO: Plan de acțiune privind integrarea resortisanților din țările terțe
- SK: Akčný plán pre integráciu štátnych príslušníkov tretích krajín
- SL: akcijski načrt za integracijo državljanov tretjih držav
- SV: Handlingsplan för integration av tredjelandsmedborgare
- NO: Handlingsplan for integrering av tredjelandsborgere
- KA: მესამე ქვეყნის მოქალაქეთა ინტეგრაციის სამოქმედო გეგმა
- UK: План дій з інтеграції громадян третіх країн
- HY: Գործողությունների Ծրագիր երրորդ երկրների քաղաքացիների ինտեգրման մասին
Broader Term(s)
1. The European Commission adopted the first Action Plan on integration on 7 June 2016. The current Action Plan on integration and inclusion has been adopted on 24 November 2020. Although Member States are primarily responsible for integration, the EU is supporting national and local policies with policy coordination, exchange of knowledge and financial resources.
2. The Plan includes actions across all the policy areas that are crucial for integration:
- pre-departure and pre-arrival measures, including actions to prepare migrants and the local communities for the integration process;
- education, including actions to promote language training, participation of migrant children to early childhood education and care, teacher training and civic education;
- employment and vocational training, including actions to promote early integration into the labour market and migrants entrepreneurship;
- access to basic services such as housing and healthcare;
- active participation and social inclusion, including actions to support exchanges with the receiving society, migrants' participation to cultural life and fighting discrimination.
3. While it targets all third-country nationals in the EU, it contains actions to address the specific challenges faced by refugees.
4. For more information see the webpage on Integration.