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Migration and Home Affairs


A child who arrives on the territory of the EU Member States accompanied by their parent/s or an adult responsible for them whether by law or by the practice of the EU Member State concerned, and for as long as they are effectively taken into the care of such a person.


Derived by the EMN from Art. 2(l) of Directive 2011/95/EU (Recast Qualification Directive) and European Asylum Support Office (EASO): EASO Report on asylum procedures for children -EASO practical guide series, 2019.


  • BG: придружено дете
  • CS: nezletilý s doprovodem
  • DE: begleitetes Kind
  • EL: συνοδευόμενο παιδί
  • EN: accompanied child
  • ES: niño acompañado
  • ET: saatjaga laps
  • FI: huoltajan kanssa oleva lapsi
  • FR: enfant accompagné
  • GA: leanbh faoi thionlacan
  • HR: dijete s pratnjom
  • HU: kísérővel érkező kiskorú
  • IT: bambino accompagnato
  • LT: lydimas nepilnametis
  • LV: pavadīts bērns
  • MT: Tifel/tifla akkumpanjat/a // wild akkumpanjat
  • NL: begeleid kind
  • PL: dziecko pod opieką
  • PT: criança acompanhada
  • RO: copil însoțit
  • SK: dieťa so sprievodom (EU acquis); sprevádzané dieťa
  • SL: otrok s spremstvom
  • SV: medföljande barn / barn med medföljande vuxen
  • NO: medfølgende barn
  • KA: თანმხლებ პირთან ერთად მყოფი ბავშვი
  • UK: дитина в супроводі
  • HY: ուղեկցվող երեխա


  • accompanied minor

Broader Term

Related Term(s)


  1. The term 'accompanied child' is not explicitly defined in the Union acquis. However, EU legislation defines the term 'unaccompanied minor' in Art.2 (I) of Directive 2011/95 EU (Recast Qualification Directive).
  2. The terms child and minor are used interchangeably. However, the term minor is normally used only in a legal context when referring to a person who has not reached the age of majority as defined in national legislation.
  3. The term and definition of 'accompanied child' was developed by the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) a contrario of the term 'unaccompanied minor' based on the Union asylum acquis. The EMN decided to follow this approach as this term focuses on the relationship.
  4. For further information see: EMN: Inform Accompanied children's right to be heard in international protection procedures, April 2023.